
Our Distinguished Board of Directors

Walter L. Sutton, Jr.

Dallas, TX


Regina K. Dillard

Vice Chair
Jacksonville, FL


Sonya D. Hoskins

Dallas, TX


Frank Seales, Jr.

Washington, DC


Stephanie D. Jones

Detroit, MI


Alfreda Robinson

Washington, DC


Belinda D. Stith

Los Angeles, CA


Vickie E. Turner

San Diego, CA


Kwamina Williford

Washington, DC


Ashley L. Upkins

NBA President-Elect
Nashville, TN


Norma Hutcheson

Washington, DC


David Green

Durham, North Carolina


Toni Jackson

Houston, Texas


National Bar Institute Board Governance

The National Bar Institute (NBI) was founded in 1982 by members of the National Bar Association (NBA), and formally chartered and incorporated in the District of Columbia, where it maintains its principal office.

As a 501(c)(3) federal tax-exempt nonprofit organization, contributions to the NBI are tax deductible. The NBI seeks donations from individuals, foundations, and corporations.

NBI Membership is comprised of lawyers and judges who are NBI members in good standing; National Bar Association members; and those persons, trusts and estates who contribute financially and intellectually to attainment of the objectives of the organization. Membership dues are established by the NBI Board Directors.

There are two categories of membership:

  • Regular Members who pay annual dues
  • Life Members who pay a one-time fee

The NBI Board is composed of up to eleven (11) elected NBI Members in good standing, plus the following:

  • Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
  • President-Elect of the National Bar Association
  • General Manager as Ex-Officio

During the NBI Annual Meeting, Board Directors are elected for a three-year term. The terms are staggered to allow four (4) or more Directors to be elected each year at the Annual Meeting. Officers must meet qualifications established by the NBI Bylaws, and are elected by, and from among, the Board Directors for a term of one (1) year.

In addition to the Annual Meeting (which is generally scheduled to occur during the National Bar Association Annual Convention), the NBI Board holds meetings throughout the year as called by the Chair. The NBI has a number of Standing Committees defined by the NBI Bylaws, and such other Committees as agreed to by the Board Directors. Committee chairs and members are appointed by the NBI Chair from among the Board Directors.

2021-2022 NBI Board of Directors